Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lake Royal Update

This is an example of the undersized bass we have been catching at Lake Royal recently. David and I have fished our neighborhood lake three or four times since we got home from our vacation. We have managed a handful of small bass, and a dozen or so bream per visit. We have been doing a lot of fly fishing with poppers rigged with a wet fly dropper. While we are still due a descent bass, this simple presentation is a lot of fun and produces consistent results.


The Olson Family said...

I failed to mention a few irregularities. I got a catfish on a 3 1/2 blue tube dressed on a jig with a rattle. I have also encountered schools of small shad in both Lakes Royal and Woodglenn. I landed three of four on wet flies, but I think the popper spooked them.

Anonymous said...

Hey, so isn't that the lake that we fished at when I was there? Give it a couple of years and David's gonna be a pro. Love you guys

The Olson Family said...

It is the same lake.

Additional update: hit Royal tonight with David. Good for another small bass (about 10")