Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Holmes Run

Originally uploaded by ...olson family...
Yesterday morning I hit Holmes Run briefly and immediately landed a rainbow trout. The bite slowed, but I hooked one more trout that popped off on an ice sheet. I think it is worth noting that Holmes Run is a very good stocked trout stream with lots of riffles and boulders creating very suitable habitat for trout. There is also a trail that weaves through the stream in a series of fords that create excellent opportunities for fly-fishing.

I thought I would note this short outing to emphasize that the numbers of fish taken are descent considering that these fish were stocked in October. Also, while the trout are small, they continue to be brightly colored and seem remarkably healthy. I now find myself blogging the most colorful, most beautiful fish as opposed to the biggest fish.


Anonymous said...

Ever think about having trout for breakfast? Is that sacrilege given our catch and release mentality?....however, these stocked trout have a limited life cycle in those streams anyway right?

Anonymous said...

Can't take a trout out of a delayed harvest stream until, well, the delayed harvest. Even then I still want to put them back to catch them again.

Anonymous said...

.....so when is "delayed harvest" and does that mean you can keep them?

Anonymous said...

DH starts in June, and yes, that is when you can keep them

Anonymous said...

Just checked stock date: 10/22/08

These fish are looking good for three months in the stream.