Sunday, February 17, 2008

Trout: The Winter Fix

Originally uploaded by ...olson family...
Nothing in life is much better than getting on a school of bass. But when its too cold for bass, picking on some really dumb trout fresh from the hatchery is a very close second. This morning was a total smashfest. Putting in less than two hours I landed about a dozen trout (one brown, the rest bows).

Before I overstate my fly fishing prowess I must provide the caveat that I managed the obligatory botched landing of the fish of the day: A rainbow pushing 18" and about two pounds. My encounters with large fish over the last year fall into two groups: the ones I lose, and the one my cousin BJ was there to help me land. In the spirit of angling dishonesty we call the former a "quick release." This morning I acted like a bass guy and forgot I had a net attached to my vest and grabbed my leader. Hey, it's what Roland Martin does. So, the rainbow flops off into some shallow riffles. For a moment I had him in my hands, but he was too slippery. OK Mr. 18" I mean 20” three pound Rainbow, you are on notice…I know where you live.

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