Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fall Float Tube Bassin'

Originally uploaded by ...olson family...
Bobbing in 50-degree water is more than a hypothermia risk; with the right waders it is also a great way to catch bass on a fly rod. There is a sense of urgency to make a last stand before winter kills bass fishing, football, and many other reasons to live. This morning started strong with continued bream action on my popper wet fly dropper combo. As action slowed I switched to a clauser. No dice. I then went for my trusty wooly bugger and scored a 12” largemouth suspended off a concrete boat ramp. A small, hard fighting bass is a blast on a fly rod.

1 comment:

The Olson Family said...

Veteran's Day was unkind to this vet. It was 32 degrees this morning, and I smartly opted out of the float tube. I haven't gotten the boat out once this year, so once again; I fly fished from the bank. The pop-n-drop was unsuccessful. I added a nymph dropper to my rig which scored one bream.

Pretty lame, but I learned something. But it’s not worthy of a stand-alone blog entry
