Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Rally

Originally uploaded by ...olson family...
Fittingly, I am back. It took until Father's Day morning to recover from my setback on the Rapidan. In keeping with the civil war theme; I have found success in Pennsylvania that has eluded me in Virginia. It is a bit of a stretch to compare catching a few bass in pond at a campground to the defense of Little Round Top, but it is Father's Day. I feel that my promotion of this sport via this blog with a readership pushing four, if you count my brother in law, and the fact that my son's chest is often a billboard for Bass Pro Shops, gives me some license to rejoice in the unremarkable. I got two descent bass (and a few bream) on a 5 wt fly rod. Both bass were keepers, and I have pictures this time to prove it, which is the real accomplishment here. Winning fly: large neon yellow slider.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but I'm sure the readership of this superbly written blog far exceeds four. If it doesn't it should. Happy Fathers' day to a GREAT DAD, Love and hugs, Pres of your fan club aka mom